Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Ripe red berries Fragaria vesca, Wild strawberry. Fragaria vesca, commonly known as woodland strawberry, occurs naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This is the best strawberry that I ever have tasted. This is not in Lapland...too cold weather all the time.

Distinction between Wild or Wood Strawberries (Fragaria vesca) and Alpine Strawberries (Fragaria alpina); a distinction which is not made by most seed companies or nurseries. Under 'Wild or Wood Strawberry' is said:
It has seldom (never) been seen in gardens since theintroduction of the Red Alpine Strawberry. ...Wood Strawberry possesses a quite particular perfume and delicacy of flavour.
Under Alpine Strawberry is said:
A very different plant to the Wood Strawberry, and distinguished by the greater size of all its parts - the fruit in particular - and especially by the property (which is particular to it) of producing flowers and fruit continuously all through the summer. ...The fruit has nearly the same appearance and flavour as that of the Wood Strawberry, but is generally larger, longer, and more pointed in shape. The seed is also perceptibly larger and longer.
Alpine strawberry has an undeserved reputation among home gardeners as hard to grow from seed, often with rumors of long and sporadic germination times, cold pre-chilling requirements, etc. In reality, with proper handling of the very small seeds which can easily be washed away with rough watering.

Copyright Leiah Sariell 2014-

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