Tuesday, November 4, 2014



Sea Buckthorn.: TYRNI

English Name:Seabuckthorn Fruit
Pharmaceutical Name:Fructus Hippophae
Latin Name:Hippophae rhamnoides Linn(Sha Ji) or Hippophae rhamnoides Linn. subsp. sinensis Rousi (zhong guo sha ji )
Note:Latin name of this unique plant: Hippophae Rhamnoides means "Shiny Horse".
Sea Buckthorn (English), Sanddorn (German), Argousier (French), Finbar (Swedish), Homokt?vis (Hungarian), Star-Bu or Dhar-Bu (Tibetan), Oblepiha (Russian), Tindved (Danish), Rokitnik (Polish)
Other names: Espino Falso, Oblebicha, Olivella Spinosa, Sallow Thorn, Duindoorn, Seabuckthorn

Parts used: The juice of the berries can be used to make juice but all parts (bark, leaves, fruits, seeds) can be used for the production of pharmaceuticals. Sea buckthorn oil is produced from the fruits and seeds.

Most parts of the tree can be used including the bark, leaves, fruits, and seeds. A wide range of products can be made from the tree including: pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, teas, animal feed, sport and health drinks, food (jams and jellies), beverages, dyes, candy, liqueurs, and in brewing.

Copyright Leiah Sariell 2014

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